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One Woman Conference
- UK's best leadership event for women

One Woman Conference
- UK's best leadership event for women

Find your courage. Be more effective. Lead powerfully.

LIVE IN LONDON, MAY 11th - 12th, 2024

Book your ticket now

Conference starts in

This is not your average mindnumbing swing in, swing out conference.

It’s not just a series of lectures,
but a two-day transformational experience.
It’s not just a networking event,
but an opportunity for deep, rich connection.
It’s not just great for your career,
but for your soul.

When and where?

This life-altering 2-day event will be held Live in London at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel in London.

Address: 239 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, Pimlico, London SW1V 1EQ (Nearest Tube/Rail London Victoria)

Dates and Times:

Saturday 11th to Sunday 12th May 2024

Registration: Saturday from 8am.
Conference: Saturday 9am-6pm (Recommended Evening Workshop:
7:30pm-9:00pm) and Sunday 9-6pm


The time is now

We know that companies with more women on their boards are delivering a 36% higher return on equity.

We know that more women than ever are founding businesses.

We know that FTSE 100 are more likely to promote women onto their boards after 5 months of bad performance. Research which is echoed in political spheres, law, public service and education.

When leadership is difficult - we are more likely to call on women than when it’s plain sailing.

And yet - women have also been disproportionally impacted by global events. In the US, recent research has suggested that as many as one in four are considering downshifting or leaving the workforce.

The challenges we face are complex and difficult

War. Climate change. Economic upheaval. Humanitarian need. Justice and equality. It will take leaders stepping up in ever-greater numbers to help navigate our way out (the old model of the lone hero doesn’t cut it any more).


But burnout is rife

The exhaustion is real. How do we sustain ourselves as leaders when it feels more challenging than ever. How do we balance the call to leadership and entrepreneurialism with the calls in a million other different directions?

You may well be pioneering cancer research, launching a vital social enterprise, taking your not-for-profit into two new countries, spear-heading the most important project in your company’s recent history…

But let’s face it:

Someone still needs to pay the car insurance, clear your inbox, take care of the sick kids, or keep up with the family WhatsApp group!

How does the successful woman making an impact also enjoy her own happy, handled life?

Here at One of many® we believe we have cracked the code on this, and we’ll be sharing all at the One Woman Conference.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."


The three common challenges facing
aspiring women leaders


We live in a culture that celebrates the success of the individual.

In order to be taken seriously we women have become high achieving, independent, Superwomen.

Our Superwoman syndrome is making us sick and alone.

  • We are 60% more likely to suffer job stress and burnout than men.
  • 29% of women are treated for a mental health condition
  • Our ability to conceive is diminishing

We need to reconnect with our natural gifts for collaboration and community. We need to align ourselves with others and share the burden and the success.


Even when we do succeed, many of us don’t feel we’ve earned it.

We worry that any moment we’ll be found out as the imposters we feel ourselves to be.

We feel the need to work harder, we won’t put ourselves forward, and we hide behind charm or false humility.

The world that needs us is missing our talents because we don’t feel good enough.

We need to “own” our talents, and really claim our leadership potential.


Every woman has big ideas, dreams and hopes. She has plans for how she’d like to improve her family life, her wealth, her lifestyle. But for most women that’s all they will ever be. Dreams.

Not because they are not possible. But because of inertia.

There’s a million competing priorities for our attention, and many of us end up only ever handling the urgent issues. This constant fire-fighting has us miss out on the greatest gift available to us: Momentum.

We need to surround ourselves with women who are up to something. Their momentum can often be enough to get us out of our rut and help get us in flow.

Learn the four steps to leading powerfully

Your curriculum designed by women, for women, delivered by women.

One Woman Conference

Find your courage. Be more effective. Lead powerfully.

LIVE IN LONDON, MAY 11th - 12th, 2024

Book your place now.

Your Speakers


Dr Joanna Martin

One of many®
Visionary. Coach.
Catalyst. Entrepreneur.
Activist. Protective Sister.
Kid Wrangler. Seeker.

Annie Stoker

Content Collaborator and Head
of Coaching
One of Many®
Psychotherapist. Author.
Property Investor.
Chilled Out Friend.

Susie Heath

Content Collaborator and Trainer
One of many®
Fashion Designer.
Horticulturist. Author.
Grandmother. Dancer.
Lover of Men

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

Internationally Renowned
Spiritual Leader
Spiritual Leader. Author.
Motivational Speaker.
Co-President of Religions for Peace.
Advisor to the UN

What women say about attending
The One Woman Conference

"Wow what an amazing weekend. I knew I wanted to step up as a leader in the law, but wasn’t crystal clear on my vision. Then there was a moment on Sunday afternoon when it hit me like a flash of lightning: My vision is to bring the heart back into the law. To bring kindness, compassion and warmth to our clients AND our peers. So that we stop worrying so much about time recording, targets and keeping a professional distance, and instead focus on the value to our clients and how they feel when dealing with us. Do we make their lives so much better? Because we bloody well should! Not to mention the burnout. We lose too many fantastic lawyers because they can’t take the pace any more. Or because they can’t juggle the hours with the demands of parenthood. The culture needs changing... and I'm ready to make that change."
Sarah Ryan
"The one woman conference was my first introduction to this community and I found it an absolute joy, and hugely inspiring. I've CHANGED - I've already let go of a lot and am planning more change - and part of that change is asking for help!
I'm a freelance project manager working in the cultural sector in the West Midlands and this has, to date, meant hundreds of unpaid hours! I had a meeting yesterday with a friend who I've been working with for a little while to set up an Urban Wilderness festival which works with young people to transform disused inner city spaces. It's a great project and we've both put in a lot of hours and made some meaningful connections and created some opportunities to continue the project.
As a direct result of the one woman conference, I opened yesterday's meeting by saying 'I think we need to open this out. I think we need a bigger team. I think we need a small tribe.'
We both heaved a sigh of relief and are now spending a couple of weeks changing our narrative to in order to meaningfully invite other women who care about this to join us. We are also working on a fairly large funding application and since the conference have successfully applied to become a CIC. The conference inspired me to open up to the community and ask for the help I needed. Thank you so much, you've opened up my world."
Isla Telford
Urban Wilderness (urbanwildernesscic.com)
"Before I came into contact with One of many, I was in a bit of dark place, and in zoning out, I wasn't showing up with my family.
When Joanna came out into the audience and said "We need leaders, and we need you to step up. Raise your hand if you know you need to step up." I thought "Whoaa I'm putting my hand down on this one!" Next thing I knew my hand was up and I don't know what happened...but I KNEW I was one of those ladies she was talking about that needs to step up.
What I discovered with One of many was that stepping into your leadership is not just like putting on your shoes, and just walking out. You have to live it, breathe it, be it.
I have now successfully run two International Women's Day events (and secured over £14k in funding for them). What's more I've launched my own successful photography business."
Karen Roswell
Photographer and International Women's Day Co-ordinater
"I was trying to balance work, the kids, the house, my husband. I was run down and looking to make life easier.
I discovered exactly that at the One Woman Conference. I came out feeling lighter, and people kept commenting for weeks afterwards how different I was.
My husband thought I'd be back to normal after a couple of days. But weeks later I'm still happier, he's happier, everyone's happier! I can think of five women off the top of my head who just HAVE to go."
Sarah Silva
"I've never been a girly girl, so I wasn't sure about going to a 'women only' conference. But I'm so glad I did! Actually more than that... my husband is glad I made it to the One Women Conference. It completely changed our relationship, and my perspective on what it is to be female. Every woman and girl should know this stuff!"
Cat Townsend
Founder, The FeelGoodAgency
"I knew nothing about One of many when my friend invited me to the One Woman Conference. I thought that if nothing else, it would be a 'weekend off' from life - which at the time I was finding overwhelming and exhausting. I have 3 children, one with complex needs, a job, a husband, a business, charity work - it was all going on. The weekend was a life changer but even more than that - a lifesaver. So many lightbulb, 'yes’ and ‘that's me!' moments!
What I realised about myself and the tools I learned to help myself, had a profound and immediate impact on both myself and my family. I literally felt 2 stone lighter as I skipped out on Sunday evening, and for the first time in a long time, I knew that everything was going to be OK, and that I could not just survive but thrive.
My kids and husband love the happier me - and so do I! There will always be tough times in life, but having this support, knowledge and these tools, means I'll always find a way through. I don't think there is a woman out there, who wouldn't benefit from being part of One of many, and I particularly see the incredible life support it can give to mums parenting children with complex needs - if ever a group of women needed to learn how to survive and thrive, it's us! Thank you One of many."
Claire Cook

Bonus PowerType Profile

Start your journey of learning early by completing the One of many® Women’s PowerTypes™ Profile.

This will reflect back to you your strongest, most natural women’s leadership style. Normally priced at $95 (£76) every ticket holder will receive a token to complete the profile free of charge before the event.

Our Guarantee

We guarantee the quality of this event. If you don't absolutely love it by the end of the first day, come and let us know and we'll happily refund your ticket price. We just ask that you let us know you're leaving, and you'd like your money back.


Some of my greatest role models in leadership have been the unlikely women leaders I met in the villages of Bangladesh. They were mothers, grandmothers, farmers, entrepreneurs and advocates of ending hunger in their community.

For that reason One of many is a proud brand ambassador of the Unleashed Women Leadership Fund. When you buy a ticket to the One Woman Conference, you are making a contribution towards the training and empowerment of one of our sister leaders in the developing world through The Hunger Project.

You don’t need to choose between investing in yourself, and making a difference. When you invest with us, you do both. Thanks!"

Dr Jo Martin,
Founder, One of many™


Do something you wouldn’t usually do.

Register now for the conference.

We know we’re asking a lot.  We’re asking you to spend time away from your family, your busy social life, and (heaven forbid) give yourself a gift!

But let’s face it.  If we’re serious about shaking up a plain vanilla life, it means doing things our plain vanilla self wouldn’t do.

When was the last time you made a decision that altered the trajectory of your life? Perhaps imperceptibly at the time, but in retrospect… dramatically.

The chance meeting of your partner because you said yes to a last minute party invitation; the chance opportunity for a new job because you met a new friend on the train; the chance discovery of your talent for pottery because you attended a class you wouldn’t normally have taken.

This is that chance.

One Woman Conference

Find your courage. Be more effective. Lead powerfully.

LIVE IN LONDON, MAY 11th - 12th, 2024

Book your place now.

Frequently asked questions

One Woman Conference

Find your courage. Be more effective. Lead powerfully.

LIVE IN LONDON, MAY 11th - 12th, 2024

Book your place now.